Featured Shows

Bakithi Kumalo Night

Friday, November 1, 7:30pm

U-bass clinic and show, on Ukehut’s 10th anniversary! Please join us for this special night.

Bakithi Bio

Bakithi was born in South Africa and came to US to play bass with Paul Simon for his Graceland album and concert. His style is rooted in Africa, but shows influences of Jazz and Motown. He has played with many other great musicians, such as Joan Baez and Herbie Hancock. He has a signature U-bass made by Kala, which he will be demonstrating at the Ukehut clinic.

Bakithi has offered to sign any bass that is purchased at the clinic!

Limited advanced tickets with KALA Ubass BAKITHI-FS is available from "BUY YOUR TICKETS" below ($20 OFF from admission)! Reserve your ubass now, do not pay for shipping, and pick it up at UkeHut on the day of the show. [ABOUT UBASS BAKITHI-FS] 

$20.00 with drinks

Get In Touch

Making an appointment is strongly recommended.

Please contact us using the form below or email [email protected].